Content: The purpose of such medication is to reduce flatulence in the digestive tract and help to relieve it from the body. Modern medicine uses medication with active ingredients: dimethicone, simethicone, alpha galactosidase and other medication that contains these ingredients. How do they work? Being affected by simethicone and dimethicone gas and foamy bubbles in our bodies get dissolved so the released gas could either be absorbed, or come out naturally reducing flatulence.
Conclusion: There is a great number of medication combinations to fight against bloating (simethicone, dimethicone, alpha galactosidase). For example, a combination with enzymes (which is good for digestion), a combination with lactulose (which helps people that are prone to constipation to regulate bowel movement), a combination with antacid (which regulates gastric acidity). These combinations can be prescribed according to the symptoms, that a person is developing.
Reference: V. Ivashkin, A. Okhlobystin, O. Shifrin; edited by V. Ivashkin (2022). "Gastroenterology. Accurate pharmacotherapy".